przejście dla pieszych

Another part of our initiatives is finished. We have completed the construction of two pedestrian crossings with an inclusive surface. The crossings are located at the intersection of Piłsudskiego Street and Poniatowskiego Street, as well as along Dworcowa Street sprang up the  Objazdowa Street.
This is another implementation within the SMART ŻYWIEC-(r)evolution project, which was been realized thanks to EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 and the state budget funds under the Local Development Program.
According first task, it was necessary to remove the existing vertical and horizontal markings and make a new horizontal markings in the form of a P-10 sign on a red background (crosswalk) as well as new vertical signs D-6 placed on yellow-green boards. Additionally, point-reflective elements (co called cat's eye) with a 360° multidirectional reflector in white color were made along the entire length of the pedestrian crossing on both sides. The safety texture of concrete sidewalk tiles with yellow beveled cones and thermoplastic signage - "children" pictograms -were also installed.  Vertical informational signs and modern lighting, along with warning traffic lights, were also included in that project.
The second project involved the construction of a pedestrian crossing along Dworcowa Street sprang up the Objazdowa Street. Installation included removal of existing vertical and horizontal markings at the pedestrian crossing, and installation of new markings. Additionally, point-reflective elements in white color were fixed along the entire length on both sides of it. Safety texture from concrete sidewalk tiles with yellow beveled cones was installed along the curb where pedestrians wait at the width of the pedestrian crossing. Also, the existing vertical markings were supplemented with the missing warning sign A-16 "pedestrian crossing."


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